World Time

Displays the current time in major cities and specific areas around the world. S: Current time in specific areas. SU: Current time in specific areas and areas defined by user. R: Current time in major cities around the world. Values indicate number of cities/areas.

Accurate measurement of elapsed time with the touch of a button. The time figure indicates the maximum time measurement.
Beeper Alarm

Beeper tone alarm sounds at the time you set.
Full Auto Calendar

Allowances are made automatically for months of different lengths, including leap year.
Shock Resistant

Shock-resistant construction protects against impact and vibration.
Water Resistant

The "BAR" value indicates the number of atmospheres to which water resistance is ensured. 20 BAR means water resistance to 20 atmospheres. Watches marked "200m" have the same water resistance as 20 BAR watches.

A luminous coating provides long-term illumination in the dark after only short exposure to light.
Mineral Glass

Hard glass resists scratching.
Resin Band