Water-protected and Dust-proof Calculator

Durability and endurance for professional and general users
WM-220T WM-200T

3-Line Display Calculator

Cost, Selling Price and Margin Calculations
For Shopkeepers & Traders
Perform the operations shown below to calculate cost, selling price, and margin.
Time Calculations (DF-320TM only)
For Personnel Department & Internet Cafe
Change Calculations (DF-320TM only)
For Retailers, Restaurant & Bar
The calculation result is obtained in accordance with the current rounding setting.
Tax Calculations
For Accounting & Bookkeeper, Retailer
Automatic calculation and display of price plus tax, price less tax, discount, selling price, tax amount, discount amount, and margin amount.
Currency Conversion Mode (DF-320TM only)
For Money Exchanger, Bank & Travel Agent
You can have up to seven currency conversion rates registered in memory for instant recall whenever you need them. After you select a currency name and register a rate, you can use it for conversion from one currency to another.
Example: Currency A 1,234 = Currency B 2,413.49422
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