World Time
Connect to your computer and press a key for instant updating of data with the latest version. Find out the current time in virtually any location on the globe.

Multi-lingual Messages

Data Communications with a
Personal Computer
In addition to English, you get a choice of other languages for message displays. Allows data communication with personal computer.

Expense Function
Secret Memory Area
With this function you can record the details of your purchases, as well as the payment method you used. Later, you can recall data for specific periods, to help you better manage your expenses. The secret memory area keeps personal data private. Once a password is registered, data is locked away until the password is used to access the secret area.
Baclit Display
Easy reading, even in the dark.

A message appears and a buzzer sounds when a scheduled appointment time arrives.
Currency Conversion Function
With quick and easy phone number search feature. Instant conversion between two monetary units.
Schedule Keeper
Icon Menu
Keep track of appointments by entering the day, month, and year.

A Graphic Icon Menu System makes it possible to use either the cursor keys or numeric input to select a mode for quick and simple operation.
Memo Function
Function Command Signs
Store text data such as price lists, airplane schedules, movie schedules, concert schedules, anniversaries, and more. A symbol (+, –, x, ÷) on the display indicates the type of operation you are currently performing.
Reminder Function  
Keep track events that occur at regular intervals.
To Do List
Keep track of daily tasks, checking off itemsas you complete them.
Calendar Function
A collection of calendars up to the year 2099.